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Yon komisyon lejislatif espesyal Massachusetts
Dr. Jayne Singer
Jayne Singer, PhD, IECMH-E, is a clinical psychologist with extensive experience working with a diverse array of children and families in hospital and community-based settings. She is also an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Singer was the founding president of the Massachusetts Association for Infant Mental Health (MassAIMH), and is involved in advocacy work in infant and early childhood mental health in Massachusetts.
Dr. Singer joined the faculty at the Brazelton Touchpoints Center (BTC) in 1999; a continuation of her clinical work with Dr. T. Berry Brazelton since 1989. At BTC, she leads the Early Care and Education Initiative and has developed adaptations of the Touchpoints Approach for families living with children with Special Needs. She is the primary author of the Touchpoints in Early Care and Education Reference Guide and the Touchpoints in Reflective Practice guides for practitioners.
In addition to collaborating on the development and implementation of curricula for the general professional development programs of the BTC, Dr. Singer also creates and facilitates workshops on Reflective Practice, Mentorship, and Supervision as they relate to the Touchpoints Approach.